December 2019 Newsletter

Open Enrollment is finally here and you only have till December 15 to get a new coverage! Whether you are thinking of purchasing a new insurance policy or replacing a policy that did not fit your needs, HCCUA wants all members to understand that we are here to help you make the right choice.

Continue reading “December 2019 Newsletter”

September 2018 Monthly Newsletter

Dear HCCUA Members:

Taking care of yourself is essential to living a healthy life. So, what a better time to benefit from your Annual Comprehensive Wellness Profile (CWP) as part of your HCCUA membership? This test is offered to you after a continuous active membership in good standing for at least 180 days at no additional cost.  The Profile contains a blood test and a thorough bio-chemical assessment of most major organ systems. Continue reading “September 2018 Monthly Newsletter”

Medical Tests You Need at Various Life Stages

There are numerous medical tests that can be taken throughout an individual’s life. Some are relevant to age while others are on a need-only basis. Regardless of the test, there is one thing that must be kept in mind: family history. This is one of the most important elements of your medical file. Certain tests that are usually administered later in life may need to be taken earlier to help prevent major illnesses, like cancer. Always tell your doctor about your family history and discuss which tests should be taken and when based on your medical file. Continue reading “Medical Tests You Need at Various Life Stages”