It’s time to take charge! Don’t let every day stresses bring you down. Learn how to make regular stresses work in your favor to reduce dangerous effects and prevent stress from escalating. By practicing stress management skills you can learn how to alter a stressful situation, change your reaction, learn how to take care of yourself, and, most importantly, make time for rest and relaxation.
Continue reading “Licensed Clinical Counseling”March 2022 Monthly Newsletter
Dear HCCUA Members:
Have you ever wondered what causes childhood stress? As an adult it can be hard to imagine a child suffering from stress. Unfortunately, studies show that 10 – 20 % of school aged children experience anxiety which could potentially lead to chronic stress.
Continue reading “March 2022 Monthly Newsletter”January 2022 Newsletter
Dear HCCUA Members,
Happy New Year! With all the things going on in our daily lives and around the world, it can be very easy to get overwhelmed or stressed out. Research shows that counseling enhances lives whether you’re old or young, male, or female, gay or straight, rich, or poor. Your educational background makes no difference either!
Continue reading “January 2022 Newsletter”June 2020 Newsletter
Dear HCCUA Members:
What does Coronavirus mean to you? How has it affected your life? Everyone has been effected by this pandemic in one way or another. Some have adapted better than others and some are ready for normalcy. As states begin their phases of reopening, the fear of COVID-19 will either encourage people to continue to hunker down, or it will drive others to conquer daily activities during the new normal. As citizens, we have a social duty to our community to continue following appropriate guidelines. As bothersome as it may seem at times, we need to consider the health and wellness of the greater good.
Continue reading “June 2020 Newsletter”Licensed Clinical Counseling
With all the things going on in our daily lives and around the world, it can be very easy to get overwhelmed or stressed out. Research shows that counseling enhances lives whether you’re old or young, male or female, white or black, gay or straight, rich or poor. Your educational background makes no difference either!
Continue reading “Licensed Clinical Counseling”January 2020 Newsletter
Dear HCCUA Members:
We would like to wish you and your families a healthy and prosperous NEW YEAR!
As we reflect on the past year and consider what is in stored for 2020, think about the positive things in your life and what makes you truly happy.
As a member of HCCUA you have access to many exciting benefits, and we hope you are taking full advantage of those benefits and the information at your fingertips that can help you lead a happier, healthier life. We are here to assist you any way possible, especially when life throws a curve ball!
Continue reading “January 2020 Newsletter”March 2019 Monthly Newsletter
Dear HCCUA Members:
Have you ever wondered what causes childhood stress? As an adult it can be hard to imagine a child suffering from stress. Unfortunately, studies show that 10 – 20 % of school aged children experience anxiety which could potentially lead to chronic stress.
Continue reading “March 2019 Monthly Newsletter”Licensed Clinical Counseling
It’s time to take charge! Don’t let every day stresses bring you down. Learn how to make regular stresses work in your favor to reduce dangerous effects and prevent stress from escalating. By practicing stress management skills you can learn how to alter a stressful situation, change your reaction, learn how to take care of yourself, and, most importantly, make time for rest and relaxation.
Continue reading “Licensed Clinical Counseling”Licensed Clinical Counseling
With all the things going on in our daily lives and around the world, it can be very easy to get overwhelmed or stressed out. Research shows that counseling enhances lives whether you’re old or young, male or female, gay or straight, rich or poor. Your educational background makes no difference either!
Talking is an important part of our relationships. It can strengthen your ties with other people and help you stay in good mental health. What is more, being listened to can help you feel that other people care about you and what you have to say. Continue reading “Licensed Clinical Counseling”
December 2018 Monthly Newsletter
Dear HCCUA Members:
Despite our continuous awareness that smoking tobacco is damaging to our health more than 40 million Americans are cigarette smokers. Smoking cigarettes is known to cause damage to every organ in your body, and smoking-related illnesses are responsible for one out of every five deaths in the United States.
Even though there was a 10 percent decrease in cigarette sales in 2009 that was directly derived from an increase in the federal cigarette tax, it is not only price that is changing the habits of American smokers. Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes, have also contributed. Global sales of smokeless tobacco products, including smokeless inhalers, has grown to nearly $3 billion and continues to grow. Continue reading “December 2018 Monthly Newsletter”