Depression is a condition of general emotional dejection and withdrawal with sadness greater and more prolonged than that warranted by any objective reason.
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Natural Remedies for Depression

Depression is a condition of general emotional dejection and withdrawal with sadness greater and more prolonged than that warranted by any objective reason.
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Have you ever heard the adage that you are what you eat? Well, it may be more appropriate to say that you are what you drink. And whether you realize it or not, water is the main ingredient of everything, including your body.
With all the organs, bones, and muscles in your body, you may be surprised to know that more than half of your body is composed of water. Water flows through you like a literal fountain of youth, spreading to every part of your body to keep it as healthy as possible. Not only does water help your body digest and absorb all of the food that you eat, but it also keeps your body healthy and young. Continue reading “The Importance of Water”