It’s time to take charge! Don’t let every day stresses bring you down. Learn how to make regular stresses work in your favor to reduce dangerous effects and prevent stress from escalating. By practicing stress management skills you can learn how to alter a stressful situation, change your reaction, learn how to take care of yourself, and, most importantly, make time for rest and relaxation.
Continue reading “Licensed Clinical Counseling”March 2022 Monthly Newsletter
Dear HCCUA Members:
Have you ever wondered what causes childhood stress? As an adult it can be hard to imagine a child suffering from stress. Unfortunately, studies show that 10 – 20 % of school aged children experience anxiety which could potentially lead to chronic stress.
Continue reading “March 2022 Monthly Newsletter”January 2022 Newsletter
Dear HCCUA Members,
Happy New Year! With all the things going on in our daily lives and around the world, it can be very easy to get overwhelmed or stressed out. Research shows that counseling enhances lives whether you’re old or young, male, or female, gay or straight, rich, or poor. Your educational background makes no difference either!
Continue reading “January 2022 Newsletter”December 2020 Newsletter
Dear HCCUA Members:
Do you feel like your life is stuck on autopilot? You may have a good life, career, loving friends and family, even earn lots of money however if your routine is keeping you blue, it may be hard to keep a positive attitude. A positive attitude is time given to show appreciation towards the things in our lives that make us happy. Showing how thankful and grateful we are can put us in a better state of mind and allow us to enjoy life altogether. Remember the little things can sometimes be the biggest gifts in the world.
Continue reading “December 2020 Newsletter”October 2020 Newsletter
Dear HCCUA Members:
Life has a funny way of taking over and most of the time we put ourselves last. Millions of adults are leading unhealthy lifestyles. Even though we are living in an age of amazing medical advancements such as treatments and drugs that can keep you alive longer than before, too many people ignore the importance of leading a healthy, balanced lifestyle. It is time you put yourself first.
Continue reading “October 2020 Newsletter”September 2020 Newsletter
Dear HCCUA Members:
Life is all about balance. Creating the proper balance in your in life is vital to maintaining low to average stress levels and it is just as important for your children to learn to balance stress as well. As an adult with stress on a daily basis, it is known to be the front-runner to serious illnesses down the road. Unfortunately, studies are showing that 10 – 20 % of school aged children also experience anxiety which could potentially leading to chronic stress, especially now during these unprecedented times.
Continue reading “September 2020 Newsletter”Techniques to De-stress
Stress has always been and will always be one of the main contributors to virtually every problem known to man. Stress levels today may very well be at the highest point they have ever been in history. The thousands of thoughts you are thinking every single day have a direct impact on how you feel and therefore how stressed you may be. Paying close attention to your thoughts and feelings is one of the best techniques on how to distress and enjoy life as you should always be doing.
Continue reading “Techniques to De-stress”November 2019 Newsletter
Dear HCCUA Members:
Insomnia is a serious symptom taking over most adult’s lives nationwide. It is estimated that sleep-related problems affect 50 to 70 million Americans of all ages and 30% – 50% of the general population are affected by insomnia, while 10% have chronic insomnia. Although most of us know what insomnia is and how we feel and perform after one or more sleepless nights, few seek medical advice.
Continue reading “November 2019 Newsletter”Techniques to De-stress
Stress has always been and will always be one of the main contributors to virtually every problem known to man. Stress levels today may very well be at the highest point they have ever been in history. The thousands of thoughts you are thinking every single day have a direct impact on how you feel, therefore how stressed you may be. Paying close attention to your thoughts and feelings is one of the best techniques on how to distress and enjoy life as you should always be doing.
Continue reading “Techniques to De-stress”Top 10 Benefits of Exercise to help with Mental Illnesses
Regardless of age or fitness levels, studies have shown that making time for exercise provides some serious mental benefits. People gain from exercising on a regular basis in several ways, such as boosting self-confidence, creating a daily routine, and even promoting smarter thinking.
Continue reading “Top 10 Benefits of Exercise to help with Mental Illnesses”