June 2020 Newsletter

Dear HCCUA Members:

What does Coronavirus mean to you? How has it affected your life? Everyone has been effected by this pandemic in one way or another. Some have adapted better than others and some are ready for normalcy. As states begin their phases of reopening, the fear of COVID-19 will either encourage people to continue to hunker down, or it will drive others to conquer daily activities during the new normal.  As citizens, we have a social duty to our community to continue following appropriate guidelines. As bothersome as it may seem at times, we need to consider the health and wellness of the greater good.

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The Importance of Staying Active

As you grow older, an active lifestyle is more important than ever! Regular exercise can help boost energy, maintain your independence, and manage symptoms of illness or pain. Exercise can even reverse some of the symptoms of aging. Furthermore, exercise is not only good for your body, but it is also good for your heart, mood, and memory. Whether you are generally healthy or are managing an illness, there are plenty of ways to get more active, improve confidence, and boost your fitness.

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Eating Healthy While You Are Sick

Fighting a cold or the flu is a horrible feeling — especially when trying to keep up with your daily routines! It is important that you practice some common cold prevention tips to reduce the chance of catching anything during cold and flu season:

  • Washing your hands frequently.
  •  Getting approximately eight hours of sleep every night to keep your defenses up in your body.
  •  Making time for regular workouts.
  •  Giving yourself down time.
  • Drinking at least six to eight glasses of water a day.
  • Taking daily vitamins.
  •  Schedule a flu shot during the months of October through April (peak season for colds and flu.
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November 2019 Newsletter

Dear HCCUA Members:

Insomnia is a serious symptom taking over most adult’s lives nationwide. It is estimated that sleep-related problems affect 50 to 70 million Americans of all ages and 30% – 50% of the general population are affected by insomnia, while 10% have chronic insomnia. Although most of us know what insomnia is and how we feel and perform after one or more sleepless nights, few seek medical advice.

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Techniques to De-stress

Stress has always been and will always be one of the main contributors to virtually every problem known to man. Stress levels today may very well be at the highest point they have ever been in history. The thousands of thoughts you are thinking every single day have a direct impact on how you feel, therefore how stressed you may be. Paying close attention to your thoughts and feelings is one of the best techniques on how to distress and enjoy life as you should always be doing.

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Physical Activity

We want you to get up! Get moving! Start doing something you enjoy! Moving around and stimulating your blood flow is important for your physical health. Life can take over and routines can settle in, but somewhere in that busy schedule you need to find time for exercise. Your long term health depends on it!

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Ideas for Packing Healthy Snacks and Lunches for Your Children

As most of our children have started school, it is important that we continue to provide nutritious meals and snacks for our kids throughout the year. Even though school lunches are available, they are not always the healthiest choice. Send a variety of foods from each food group: protein, low-fat dairy, whole grains, veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds to make sure your child is getting the nutrition they need.

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May 2019 Newsletter

Dear HCCUA Members:

With full time jobs, children with hobbies and everyday tasks, millions of adults are leading unhealthy lifestyles. Even though we are living in an age of medical advancements that can keep you alive longer than before, too many people ignore the importance of leading a healthy, balanced lifestyle

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February 2019 Monthly Newsletter

Dear HCCUA Members:

Love is the answer! Research suggests that people who experience being loved are more likely to have stronger immune systems, lower blood pressure, have a greater resistance to the common cold, recover faster after illness and injury, and decreased anxiety and depression.

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January 2019 Monthly Newsletter

Dear HCCUA Members:

Heart disease and stroke are an epidemic in the United States. Becoming aware of the major risk factors for these conditions can help prevent and control more people from suffering from these ailments. The first steps to reduce your risk are to talk with your health care professional about your heart health, get your blood pressure and cholesterol checked and make the effort to live a healthy lifestyle. High blood pressure and cholesterol are the leading causes of heart disease and stroke. Lifestyle choices include eating healthy, exercising regularly, and following your health care professional’s instructions about your medications all can help reduce heart disease and the risk of a stroke.

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