April 2020 Newsletter

Dear HCCUA Members:

As we enter some uncertain times globally and with the ongoing events in response to the Coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19), we would like to assure our members that we are here to help you any way possible. It is natural to have feelings of uncertainty during this time of prevention and adjustments. Rest assured that we will get through this and come back stronger than ever! That being said, it is vital that we take proper precautions towards COVID-19 and most importantly listen to advisories we must follow.

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Eating Healthy While You Are Sick

Fighting a cold or the flu is a horrible feeling — especially when trying to keep up with your daily routines! It is important that you practice some common cold prevention tips to reduce the chance of catching anything during cold and flu season:

  • Washing your hands frequently.
  •  Getting approximately eight hours of sleep every night to keep your defenses up in your body.
  •  Making time for regular workouts.
  •  Giving yourself down time.
  • Drinking at least six to eight glasses of water a day.
  • Taking daily vitamins.
  •  Schedule a flu shot during the months of October through April (peak season for colds and flu.
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Is Your Identity Safe?

Identity theft has turned out to be a serious problem worldwide, affecting hundreds of thousands of people each year. The majority is under the impression that identity theft may never happen to them, however, this is untrue! The average number of U.S. identity fraud victims in 2018 fell to 14.4 million annually; while 2019 is still under calculations. Identity thieves are getting smarter, have all the relevant means to use your personal data against you, and are getting out of control!

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Critical Illness

Cancer.  Heart attack.  Stroke.  These critical illnesses may require extensive treatment, endless visits to doctors and/or specialists, and long term hospital stays. Sometimes even with health insurance, the large medical bills can be overwhelming.

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Techniques to De-stress

Stress has always been and will always be one of the main contributors to virtually every problem known to man. Stress levels today may very well be at the highest point they have ever been in history. The thousands of thoughts you are thinking every single day have a direct impact on how you feel, therefore how stressed you may be. Paying close attention to your thoughts and feelings is one of the best techniques on how to distress and enjoy life as you should always be doing.

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Physical Activity

We want you to get up! Get moving! Start doing something you enjoy! Moving around and stimulating your blood flow is important for your physical health. Life can take over and routines can settle in, but somewhere in that busy schedule you need to find time for exercise. Your long term health depends on it!

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Ideas for Packing Healthy Snacks and Lunches for Your Children

As most of our children have started school, it is important that we continue to provide nutritious meals and snacks for our kids throughout the year. Even though school lunches are available, they are not always the healthiest choice. Send a variety of foods from each food group: protein, low-fat dairy, whole grains, veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds to make sure your child is getting the nutrition they need.

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Top 10 Benefits of Exercise to help with Mental Illnesses

Regardless of age or fitness levels, studies have shown that making time for exercise provides some serious mental benefits. People gain from exercising on a regular basis in several ways, such as boosting self-confidence, creating a daily routine, and even promoting smarter thinking.

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